Serving students from Bridgeport, CT on the campus of Notre Dame High School

Improving the life trajectory of students from low-income families by instilling in them the joy of learning, the skills for success, and the inspiration to realize their dreams.


Horizons successfully closes gaps in opportunity so that youth from low-income families can live empowered, choice-filled lives.

Horizons at Notre Dame High School is a transformational, community-centered program proven to close the opportunity gap. Educating the whole child is at the core of what we do, helping students thrive in a community of support that integrates the life skills necessary for long-term success. As children grow from kindergarten through high school, Horizons’ out-of-school-time academic and enrichment programs provide a safe and encouraging space for kids to explore their potential. Horizons students acquire a joy of learning, the skills for success, and the inspiration to imagine and achieve their dreams.